Feb 17, 2018

First Home

"You didn't tell me it had a skylight"   "
Remember the first home you ever bought? Or rented? How proud you were to be off on your own? You, her, and you brand new maggot?

Yeah. Good times.


Jan 26, 2018

Jan 23, 2018

Something You Ate?

Houseflies eat shit and roadkill for sustenance. I'm certain it was something he ate.


Jan 9, 2018

Surface Pro

For Christmas, I received a new medium to read, write, and draw: a Microsoft Surface Pro. The reading and writing should be easy enough to adapt to (practically identical), but the drawing might have a larger learning curve. If I had an audience I might beg them to bear with me while I learn. But since I don't--away we go!

Jun 1, 2017

To Be Yourself

I was saddened to hear of Chris Cornell passing. He was a musical envy of mine. That voice was so strong; so unique.


Mar 17, 2017

The Rocket Drive Inn

The Rocket Drive Inn is located in Jennings, Louisiana. They serve some of the best cheeseburgers in the universe--if your universe is Jennings, LA or the surrounding area. I suppose every small town has one of these; a local, legendary burger joint with a long list of shakes. The Rocket was mine. My mom used to take me here when I was a kid. Once I got myself some pedals, I'd go to The Rocket on my own. I used so much of my lawn money here, I could retire if I had half of it back. It would be a pretty shitty retirement but I think I could pull it off.

The painting measures 12" x 18" and was done with mid-grade Winsor & Newton watercolors on cheap cheap 140 lb. watercolor paper just as fast as I could slop it on.


Nov 18, 2016

Future Oil

I've always wondered why they give dead people real estate.

...just a thought.