Apr 20, 2018

Beach Fly

Beach fly is a variant of the bar fly, and like this cartoon, it is cheap, quick, and easy. I'm on vacation this week.

Cheers, motherfuckers!


Apr 13, 2018

Snack Check

TSA is conducting snack checks now. Snack checks. Like hockey checks, but they rattle a snack loose and eat it.

"Let me see your snacks, sir! I LIKE THAT KIND...it can't fly!" *CHOMP!*

I recognize that these front-line pervs are doing someone else's bidding, but the whole lot of them are contemptible shits, so no breaks. And as foul as they are between you and the airplanes, you should see them at the end of a shift. The same people who just spent eight hours keeping you in line while sniffing your shorts and feeling up your kids, drive like they're on the final lap at Talladega in a fucking rental car. No kindness. No courtesy. Just aggressive, boorish assholes jockeying for an inch that might be yours. Despicable shits!

You know, there's another division of TSA that just goes around levying fines against airport tenants and airline employees. It's true. Every time there is a lapse in security or a breech in the system somewhere on the airfield (irregardless of whose lapse it was, but usually their own), the TSA starts pestering the shit out of tenants and employees at the airport. Seriously despicable, contemptible shits.

...anyway, they're taking snacks from passengers now.

Don't worry, shit-eater. You're back on next week.


Apr 6, 2018


Well, well. Here comes ole 4002 eyes...

Margot cautiously enters the halls of ridicule wearing her new specs.