Mar 30, 2018

Identity Crisis

I wonder which bathroom the June bugs are going to make Lester use.


Mar 23, 2018


I think in one of the instances where I walked in on this situation, the panicked response was, "AAAHHH! PORNING!!" I stepped out before I saw anything and stood there, stunned by a profound realization: porning is a verb. 

What does it mean "to porn"?


Mar 16, 2018


The idea of a fly flying, at least in this fashion, is fucking ridiculous.

I used the acrylic brushes I downloaded a couple of weeks ago.  I don't know that they serve cartoons very well.


Acrylic Brush Set

I use Autodesk Sketchbook for this trivial, audience-free shit. One of the benefits of being a subscriber to Sketchbook is the availability of free brush sets. Last week I downloaded the acrylic brush set. Acrylics are my weapon of choice when I'm not wielding my stylus. These e-brushes, remarkably, mimic the strokes of (cheap) brushes loaded with acrylic paint--but not entirely or exactly. The touch, shape, and finess of an actual brush is still far superior. But this ain't bad. But it ain't good, either.


Mar 8, 2018

Marie Antoinette

"Let them eat shit!"
I had a college professor, quite convincingly, suggest that when Marie Antoinette stated the fateful sentence that got her cpu removed, that she was just being oblivious and juvenile.

“Let them eat cake!"

His rationale was convincing. She was a girl raised in a well-insulated, splendidly wealthy environment. When her family ran out of bread she declared that they should just eat cake instead, cause that’s what she does when she can’t find bread. She eats cake. He may have been on to something. Paris Hilton wasn’t a thing of controversy during my college years, but now that I think about it, I’m drawing a connection. I think Marie may have been just as dense as Paris; same situation, same ridiculously wealthy people. I’ve always wanted to feed Paris Hilton a pepper, so when she says, “That’s hot,” she’ll mean it in it’s actual context. I could also throw a cup of coffee at her. “That’s hot”. Or fly her to the sun. “That’s hot”.


Mar 1, 2018

War Machine

A fly swatter extends your reach and amplifies your speed, literally everything you want in a war machine.
