Aug 31, 2021


I started with a long cooked bone broth. I literally purchased bones with no meat on them (gnashing my teeth). I jimmied the marrow out of the bones and gave the bones to my dog; it's a big bone and she looks ridiculous. I seasoned my broth with red wine, garlic, onions, five spice, hoisin sauce, soy sauce, and sugar till I liked it. I don't know if this is the way, but I liked it.

In a giant, empty bowl, I added cooked rice noodles, bean sprouts, fresh basil, cilantro, jalapenos, and slices of sirloin cooked medium. Then I ladled that bone broth over the three or four cups of it. Jesus H Phoking Crenshaw. I liked it.

Now, I know it's "pho" but phonics doesn't work on pho--so fuh. What's this? You disagree? Well phok yourself.



Aug 6, 2021

Cajun Way Restaurant

Most people don't know this restaurant by its original name, Cajun Way Restaurant. I didn't know its real name till I was in my late teens. That's because I grew up here, and the locals know this place as The Boudin King--clearly--it's printed right on top of the building. Years ago I bought a cookbook from the Boudin King himself, Ellis Cormier. And there, printed right on the cover was Cajun Way Restaurant. I was like, "what?" and he was all, "yeah" and I was like, "I had no idea!" and he was all, "word". He signed it for me and I left town; I literally moved away. Nowadays, the only reason I have to stop in Jennings is to visit The Boudin King...and The Rocket.



Granted, this is an outright shit painting, there are some things I do like about it. The reference photo was taken in a blazing sun and the top of the building is sun-bleached and faded, so you can only really see "Boudin King" letters by the shadows they cast. And those porch lights actually appear to be on...which they always are in real life.
