Mar 17, 2017

The Rocket Drive Inn

The Rocket Drive Inn is located in Jennings, Louisiana. They serve some of the best cheeseburgers in the universe--if your universe is Jennings, LA or the surrounding area. I suppose every small town has one of these; a local, legendary burger joint with a long list of shakes. The Rocket was mine. My mom used to take me here when I was a kid. Once I got myself some pedals, I'd go to The Rocket on my own. I used so much of my lawn money here, I could retire if I had half of it back. It would be a pretty shitty retirement but I think I could pull it off.

The painting measures 12" x 18" and was done with mid-grade Winsor & Newton watercolors on cheap cheap 140 lb. watercolor paper just as fast as I could slop it on.
